Friday, November 1, 2019

The Shawshank Redemption Movie study assignment

The Shawshank Redemption Movie study - Assignment Example Even when he is about to give up on ever getting the freedom he desires, Andy comes in and reignites that hope. He eventually gets his application granted. The importance of hope in one’s life is shown in the movie through various scenes that show the effects of hope on the lives of the prisoners. In his first night in prison, it is hope that comforts Andy. Although he is serving a life sentence, he still has hope that he will taste freedom again. It makes him calm and able to think and reflect on things thus coming up with great ideas in the process. When writing to the state senate to ask for funds to expand the prison library, hope pushes him to keep writing even when he gets no reply until finally he gets a response. The news that Tommy once met the man that killed his wife and her lover pumps new energy into Andy. His hope of getting out rises as he sees an opportunity to appeal his sentence. In addition, it is the hope of getting out someday that keeps him drilling a tunnel through the prison wall using a rock hummer for several years until he achieves his aim. Hope is also used to bring out the determination of Red to get parole despite his application being rejected repeatedly. It is hope that makes him keep applying for parole without giving up. When Brooks is released from prison, he is lost in a world he is not familiar with. He finds life hard outside prison, as he cannot adjust well. Due to a lack of hope in life, he decides to end his life by hanging himself. The verse that the warden told Andy when he first visited him in his cell was John 8:12. This verse says, â€Å"I am the Light of the world. He who follows me should not walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life.† This is the use of allusion as the warden alludes to the Bible verse to talk about his importance in the prison. He is indirectly referring to himself as the light within the prison and that whoever associates with him will get an easier time

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