Thursday, October 24, 2019

George Dawes Greens The Juror: Annie :: essays research papers

George Dawes Green's The Juror: Annie I have sustained some of the most appalling trials of this century. Over me I have felt distress, bleakness, sorrow. However none of them were as smashing as Annie's. Have you ever heard about Annie? Oh yes Annie Laird, one of the most kind jurors I have ever met. In George Dawes Greens The Juror, He sumarized the events and, thoroughly explained the pain and anguish Annie had to go through. The woe in which her life revolved after mentioning those lousy words  ¨I need a little excitement in my life  ¨1, well, if Annie needed to add a touch of excitement to her life she should have tried Disneyland not jury duty. What I am about to air is what happened in our little run with the mob. Truly that has a bit of foul humor because I can't run. If you keep on reading you will understand the risks of serving for jury duty  ¨Who will protect you? ¨2 Before I met her, Annie was an unadorned artiste who had just transferred out of Manhattan and into the country. To a small cottage by a lake. Her child, Oliver, who loved to ride his bike, moved in as well. I have to say that when I met Annie for the first time it was as Juror N ° 224. She was a sparkling maid. Who would have thought a rotten soul such as the teacher would try to harm her? I confess that her recoil in the following days impressed me. This time the trial was against Louie Boffano. He was the head of the mob. He and his right hand The Teacher were as bad as they come. The case was the murders of Salvadore Riggio and his grandson. Mr. Boffano was being accused of ordering them. By this time Annie and I already knew the teacher, but we acknowledged him as Zach Lyde. He had a very piquant approach toward Annie; he bought three of her artworks for twelve thousand dollars each. Nevertheless, how were we to imagine that he was part of the mob? By the time that night had come, Zach Lyde was having dinner at Annie's house. Oliver stayed at a friend's house; Juliet's house. Then came those frightful words from the teacher  ¨Annie, listen to me now, you're in danger and your son is in danger ¨3 After this, disaster struck Annie's life. From this moment on Annie would feel disquietude and distress. Her house was bugged, her friend's house was bugged, and she could not tell anyone.

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