Friday, October 18, 2019

THe Crucible Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THe Crucible - Article Example They begin dancing and performing their rituals but are surprised when Reverend Parris comes to them. Reverend Parris is the father of one of the girls, Betty, who is involved in witchcraft. The girls scream and run while Betty and one other girl fall into a mysterious maniac sleep. Soon begins the game, where allegations of witchcraft are being thrown around every which way by a group of girls led by Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder). The twist is that these girls have actually been dealing with the devil themselves. Reverend John Hale, an authority on witchcraft, is called by Reverend Parris to investigate what is going on. Abigails accusations take on a more personal agenda when she points her accusing finger at the wife (Joan Allen) of John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis), a farmer with whom Abigail had a torrid affair. John had confessed it to his wife Elizabeth, and their relationship has consequently suffered. Abigail is still in love with John, so she tells the court that Elizabeth Proctor is a witch. Of those accused are Rebecca’s Nurse and Martha Corey. Then the police come to arrest Elizabeth on the grounds of supernaturally sticking a needle in Abigails stomach. Everybody is fooled by the girls, including the judge Thomas Danforth. Proctor tries to counter the girls by producing Mary Warren, his servant, who is willing to admit the girls lied. However, all the girls accuse Mary of witchcraft, and she eventually accuses Proctor to save her skin. By this point, Reverend John Hale realizes the corruption and injustice of the court and endeavors to defend Proctor. However, the girls prevail and Proctor is promptly arrested for witchcraft. Hale who has lost all hopes of justice advices the prisoners to plead guilty to witchcraft, so that they can at least live. Proctor signs a confession, but retracts it when he realizes that judge Danforth intends to nail the confession to the church door. He fears that his name will be ruined along with

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