Sunday, December 29, 2019

Creative Writing Response The Lord Of The Flies

Creative Writing Response I crashed through the forest a pig far in front. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. All my senses were on high alert. I paused, something stood out. Something heavy and dark seemed to be flowing with the adrenaline and blood. A want, a need, a bloodlust. I looked up and saw what used to be the pig I was chasing after lying bloody and dismembered. That’s strange it didn’t seem to be killed by a spear. The carcass seemed clawed at and torn through. Suddenly a flash of movement startled me out of my gaze and right in front of me was a bloody, maggot filled, pig head. The Lord of the Flies started speaking to me. â€Å"You have done very well, now let me show you how to really KILL a pig!† Then it charged at me. As soon as its teeth sank into my neck, I woke up screaming and sweating in my bed. Nancy, my newly-wedded wife lay next to me, her eyes filled with concern and care. â€Å"Are you ok?† she asked. â€Å"I’m fine† I repl y. She still doesn’t know about what happened on that island 20 years ago. â€Å"It was just a bad dream† I said. The next morning I woke up and got breakfast ready. It was my sons first day of college. He is going to a very fancy school which I can’t remember the name. Nancy and I are driving him to school today for the orienteering. After we ate breakfast we were off. It was a relatively long drive and Jack Jr. was texting his friends the whole time. Once we arrived I was amazed at how big the school was. There where studentsShow MoreRelated The Nature of Death in Emily Dickinsons Poems Essay2263 Words   |  10 Pagesnature of death in the poems, â€Å"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain (280)†, â€Å"I Heard a fly Buzz—When I Died—(465)â€Å" and â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death—(712)†. Emily Dickinson, who achieved more fame after her death, is said to be one of the greatest American poets of all time. 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He renounced all materialistic desires (including love) and sought a life of simplicity and spirituality, and danced upon the level shore because of it. The deep woods woven shade = the unknown. And in response to the previous comment, in my opinion I think that brazen cars is in reference to battle/warfare. Summary The poet asks who will follow King Fergus example and leave the cares of the world to know the wisdom of nature. He exhorts young men

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