Thursday, December 5, 2019

Issues for It Security Personnel-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Ethical Issues for It Security Personnel. Answer: Ethics is an area of study that deals with moral principles. These principles are what determine the morally upright thing to do or action to take when faced with a certain difficulty or dilemma (Himma Tavani, 2008). The information technology industry and specifically issues dealing with IT security involve a lot of ethical factors. It goes without saying that in trying to protect a company from external threats there are various ethical factors that professionals face such as not selling the information of one of their clients to another. In this paper we shall focus on the ethical issues that come up when a client asks you to save money by cutting out some security measures which you recommended based on your analysis of the clients security needs. The client here is of the opinion that saving money by cutting out some key security measures supersedes the need for having these security measures in place. The security needs show that sensitive information will be at risk if these security measures are not implemented. The two main ethical issues that are associated with the case study are security and increased pressure on IT professionals. Security in our case is such that the client wants to cut cost by foregoing implementation of the recommended security measures you gave them (Moore, 2005). The pressure on the IT professional is such that they have done a lot of work in defining the security loopholes then the client asks them to ignore them. The IT professional knows that the recommended security measures are necessary to keep the system secure. It is not ethical when the client requests the IT professional to implement a less secure network. This is because they want to save money so that they cannot use it in securing their company IT systems. If there is a security breach because the client does not wish to implement the recommended measures they might lose a lot of money and credibility as compared to the amount in which they are trying to save. The reputation of the IT professional is al so at risk because other clients and people might think that his or her services are not good because even after performing a security audit their client was still breached. Unless the IT professional went explaining to every potential client the mistake of their previous client then their reputation is in bad shape and they might miss out on many other future business ventures since no one has confidence in them (Spinello Tavani, 2004). After explaining to the client that sensitive information will be at risk if they do not implement the recommended security measures the client is still of the opinion that their company being targeted is very rare and therefore they do not think the security measures are a priority. As an IT professional I would not configure the network in a less secure manner. This is because it is better to do a thorough job especially in IT rather than a mediocre job. If a security breach occurs it will not be the client who suffers but also the services and reputation of the IT professional will be in question. I do not think it is ethical to eat the cost and install the extra security measures at no cost to the client. It might be a noble thing to do but one major drawback is that other companies might try to implement this strategy when engaging your services (Tavani, 2004). In such a case they will take advantage of you and you will always be at a loss since the company will continue making money and you will not have been paid for your services. Ethics is a major part of life and business. It is the same in such a case because if ethics was upheld the client would not try to compromise the reputation of the IT professional (Luciano, 2010). They would simply bear the problem on their own. If I was the IT professional tasked with this job I would not do what the client wishes so that they may be able to cut on cost. I would explain that the amount of losses they would have to incur if there were breaches would be far much more compared to the cost they were trying to save. As an ethical IT professional it is better that the client is disappointed with you not being able to fulfill their request (Terrell, 2014). They might not like your decision but in the long run they will respect you for giving them the best advice even if it is not what they wanted to hear. References Himma K. E. Tavani H. T. (2008). The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Luciano F. (2010). Information Ethics. The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 77-100. Moore A. D. (2005). Information Ethics: Privacy, Property and Power. University of Washington Press. Spinello R. A. Tavani H. T. (2004). Readings in Cyberethics. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Tavani H. T. (2004). Ethics Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Terrell B. (2014). Computer Ethics: Basic Concepts and Historical Overview. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Center for the Study of Language and

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