Sunday, December 29, 2019

Creative Writing Response The Lord Of The Flies

Creative Writing Response I crashed through the forest a pig far in front. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. All my senses were on high alert. I paused, something stood out. Something heavy and dark seemed to be flowing with the adrenaline and blood. A want, a need, a bloodlust. I looked up and saw what used to be the pig I was chasing after lying bloody and dismembered. That’s strange it didn’t seem to be killed by a spear. The carcass seemed clawed at and torn through. Suddenly a flash of movement startled me out of my gaze and right in front of me was a bloody, maggot filled, pig head. The Lord of the Flies started speaking to me. â€Å"You have done very well, now let me show you how to really KILL a pig!† Then it charged at me. As soon as its teeth sank into my neck, I woke up screaming and sweating in my bed. Nancy, my newly-wedded wife lay next to me, her eyes filled with concern and care. â€Å"Are you ok?† she asked. â€Å"I’m fine† I repl y. She still doesn’t know about what happened on that island 20 years ago. â€Å"It was just a bad dream† I said. The next morning I woke up and got breakfast ready. It was my sons first day of college. He is going to a very fancy school which I can’t remember the name. Nancy and I are driving him to school today for the orienteering. After we ate breakfast we were off. It was a relatively long drive and Jack Jr. was texting his friends the whole time. Once we arrived I was amazed at how big the school was. There where studentsShow MoreRelated The Nature of Death in Emily Dickinsons Poems Essay2263 Words   |  10 Pagesnature of death in the poems, â€Å"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain (280)†, â€Å"I Heard a fly Buzz—When I Died—(465)â€Å" and â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death—(712)†. Emily Dickinson, who achieved more fame after her death, is said to be one of the greatest American poets of all time. 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He renounced all materialistic desires (including love) and sought a life of simplicity and spirituality, and danced upon the level shore because of it. The deep woods woven shade = the unknown. And in response to the previous comment, in my opinion I think that brazen cars is in reference to battle/warfare. Summary The poet asks who will follow King Fergus example and leave the cares of the world to know the wisdom of nature. He exhorts young men

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Contract Law And Social System - 2196 Words

In the institution of legal and social system, contract is the central pillar on which these institutions are standing. In order to understand the system, it is necessary to recognize that deduction is one of the means of the system and not the only end. The concept of contract law is not only to bind the parties under liabilities but also to work on the concept of consideration or promises made. In the concept of contract law, it is a well settled proposition that consent is considered to be the heart of a valid contract. Contract is an agreement that binds the parties either to perform an act or to refrain from doing any act in the future. There are three principles of a traditional contract which need to be present in order to†¦show more content†¦It invalidates the contract â€Å"where the consent of the complainant has been procured by illegitimate pressure†. The situation in which duress is formulate by the opposing parties is, when there is no other way or other option but to agree on the new terms presented by the pressurized party. The remedy is that an affected party can take the other party into court on the basis of economic duress. The affected party in order to make its claim has to prove the following; 1. There must be a valid contract between the parties 2. There must be a threat from the other party to cancel the contract In commercial contracts or agreements, it is evident to make distinction between that is a lawful threat and what is consider to be an unlawful threat. Pressure is involved in all sort of agreements and business dealing but it is necessary to prove that one of the parties are more influencial as compared to the other party. We cannot claim that one of the parties have threaten the other parties that they would not enter into any future business contract, this type of threat doesnot create duress and invalidate the contract as everyone is entitled to find and choice whoever they feel like doing their business with. However, if the party threaten the other party to break the contract is a different issue. It is a settled principle that non-performance of a contract is per se unlawful, every party has a right to break the contract

Friday, December 13, 2019

Williams and Utilitarianism Free Essays

In his critique of Utilitarianism, Williams finds fault in the Utilitarian commitment to maximum utility in that it undermines the integrity of moral agents and denies people the projects and relationships they inherently value. Famously known as his â€Å"Integrity Objection†, this proposition is immediately very enticing in that it appeals to the idea of the invaluable and imperative nature of benevolence and compassion, versus the cold, impartial hand of Utilitarianism. That is not to say, however, that Utilitarians have been dealt a hefty criticism from which they have no defense. We will write a custom essay sample on Williams and Utilitarianism or any similar topic only for you Order Now While Williams may be correct in claiming that abandoning commitments or devaluing personal relationships may be counterintuitive, a Utilitarian could argue that his construction of â€Å"integrity† is equally counterintuitive in that it would require one to override their intrinsic pursuit of self- preservation. Additionally, if we were to presuppose Williams’ correctness, a Utilitarian could argue that the only plausible implementation of such a theory would mean valuing these emotional engagements above one’s own agency, a scenario even more demanding and sacrificial of one’s identity than the Utilitarian proposal. Williams directs this objection specifically toward Act-Utilitarianism, a branch of Utilitarian thought that deems the morally correct action as the one that produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. He claims that such a theory is incompatible with the aspect of human happiness that is found in the commitment to personal projects and relationships: â€Å"Utilitarianism would do well then to acknowledge the evident fact that among the things that make people happy is not only making other people happy, but being taken up or involved in any of a vast range of projects. 1 While Utilitarians actually need lower order projects comprised of relationships and commitments in order to validate their higher order projects, the lower order projects will always serve the concerns of the first order. In turn, Williams asserts that such a compromise of emotional engagements for maximum utility usurps one’s sense of self, consequently marring the distinct ion between one’s commitment and one’s identity: â€Å"(†¦ ) that criterion would eliminate any desire at all which was not blankly and in the most straightforward sense egoistic. Thus we should be reduced to frankly egoistic first-order projects, and- for all essential purposes- the one second-order utilitarian project of maximally satisfying first-order projects. †2Abandoning certain commitments for the sake of another project can be acceptable, but when forced to relinquish those which a person deeply values, Williams argues they are robbed of â€Å"a sense of one’s moral identity† or what he describes as one’s integrity. Williams offers us two scenarios to further exemplify his theory: â€Å"Jim†, who is told by the edicts of utilitarianism to murder one innocent Amazon Indian in order to prevent twenty more being murdered, and â€Å"George†, a chemist who is (also by the parameters of Utilitarianism) forced to take a job creating weapons of mass destruction, since the balance-sheet of utilities shows that if George refuses, a far younger, more zealous chemist will carry the project along even further and more efficiently than George. While these scenarios may seem like far-fetched constructions meant to reveal Utilitarianism pursuing the wrong choice, Williams conversely (perhaps begrudgingly) admits that these would be the â€Å"right† choices for the given circumstances. The true problem, he argues, is 1? CITATION? 112? 2? CITATION? 113? ? hat the emphasis should not simply be on the â€Å"rightness† of the action but the considerations involved in reaching that conclusion. This is a feature of Utilitarianism Williams claims â€Å"cuts out a consideration which for some others makes a difference to what they feel about such cases†. 3 He continues to explain that excluding such considerations denies our sense of personal accountability for our own actions and in turn â€Å"makes integrity as a value more or less intelligible†. In sum, if we were to reduce William’s entire integrity objection to its most salient points, they would be the following: the emotional commitments tha t are incompatible with the parameters of Act- Utilitarianism are not only impossible to abandon entirely but are an integral facet of human happiness, therefore creating a dilemma for the Utilitarian in that they must allow for it. The potential defense of a Utilitarian to Williams’ objection begins with the examination of his construction of integrity, which he seems to define as one’s â€Å"sense of self†. Looking simply at this definition alone, it could be said that subjectivity suggested with this variety of integrity incorrectly presupposes that a person’s sense of their identity is always correct. Utilitarianism could make a claim for the value in assessing reality with the sort of impartiality that Williams’ rejects, seeing as if one is not being appraised objectively, their sense of self is entirely contingent on their own conception. More importantly, and the crux of the Utilitarian defense, is that while Williams’ is correct in his claim that abandoning these emotional entanglements is counterintuitive, maintaining such commitments are at odds with the human desire for self-preservation, a 3? CITATION? p99? 4? CITATION? p99? ? conflict that Utilitarianism not only recognizes but Williams does not offer any viable solution for. Based on his examples and criticisms of Utilitarianism, it could be inferred that Williams assumes that we have a moral obligation to help others in a time of crisis, that one has an inherent responsibility to compassion and benevolence. This is clearly in conflict with the Utilitarian theory that one’s responsibility is to maximum utility, so even if the Utilitarian were to concede to Williams objection, it would be implausible to imagine a scenario in which the two could be regarded as being of equal value. In turn, the only option available to maintaining this ethos of selflessness would be to regard it as superior to maximum utility. This, a Utilitarian could argue, could prove to be extremely problematic. Firstly, it is extremely unrealistic to assume that people have the capacity to function entirely out of selflessness. Even though benevolence and emotional attachment can provide a certain level of happiness and fulfillment to a person, the expectation to unilaterally value the welfare of others over our own is not only implausible but ultimately self-defeating. Abandoning or betraying commitments in order to further advance a larger more important agenda certainly isn’t an idea particular to Utilitarianism. A quick browse of a history textbook would support that, by and large, humans are inherently self-serving and while one may commit to an act, cause or person, it does not necessarily mean that they themselves aren’t using such relationships for their own agency. Utilitarianism may require that a person abandon a particular commitment for the sake of the reater good, but it can certainly be said that in the absence of utilitarianism, the commitment could be abandoned anyway, except in this case it would be for a self-serving purpose. A Utilitarian could potentially argue that their moral theory simply recognizes and curbs the inwardly focused desires of mankind and attempts to redirect such motivation toward the greater good. One could argue that Williams’ is somewhat disillusioned with mankind as he makes sweeping id ealizations of the human psyche. Williams’ examples of â€Å"Jim† and â€Å"George† seem to both be contingent on the idea that what makes said examples disconcerting is premise that both men would be acting against their conscience, in turn making the assumption that all people have consciences that should be considered. Secondly, if one could clear the hurdle of the first argument, the actual implementation of such a theory is extremely difficult. Williams argues that Utilitarianism is far too demanding to be plausible but in fact, trading this impartiality for benevolence proves to be far more exhausting. Considering the world’s current state of affairs, there are always people in dire need of help, so one calls into question exactly what parameters would be set in place in order to orchestrate such a society. What would be the stipulations of a worthy recipient of another’s benevolence? If Williams was simply talking about people’s obligation to those close to them, valuing those relationships above maximum utility creates a bias that is even more incompatible with benevolence than Utilitarianism, which at least works in the interest of the entire population. A Utilitarian could also argue that it simply because they are outweighed by maximum utility does not mean that substantial relationships are not valued in Utilitarianism. While they are indeed lower order projects, a Utilitarian could make an argument that it is through maintaining such relationships that the value of one’s own welfare is realized and are only outweighed by serious interests of first order projects. The analyses above reflect the same conclusion. Williams’ objection brings to light shortcomings in Utilitarianism that are easily felt by those uncomfortable with the impartial and seemingly unfeeling Utilitarian mentality. However, the arguments put forth by Williams regarding the counterintuitive and overly demanding nature of impartiality neglect the similarly inherent and insatiable desire for self-preservation. How to cite Williams and Utilitarianism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Issues for It Security Personnel-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Ethical Issues for It Security Personnel. Answer: Ethics is an area of study that deals with moral principles. These principles are what determine the morally upright thing to do or action to take when faced with a certain difficulty or dilemma (Himma Tavani, 2008). The information technology industry and specifically issues dealing with IT security involve a lot of ethical factors. It goes without saying that in trying to protect a company from external threats there are various ethical factors that professionals face such as not selling the information of one of their clients to another. In this paper we shall focus on the ethical issues that come up when a client asks you to save money by cutting out some security measures which you recommended based on your analysis of the clients security needs. The client here is of the opinion that saving money by cutting out some key security measures supersedes the need for having these security measures in place. The security needs show that sensitive information will be at risk if these security measures are not implemented. The two main ethical issues that are associated with the case study are security and increased pressure on IT professionals. Security in our case is such that the client wants to cut cost by foregoing implementation of the recommended security measures you gave them (Moore, 2005). The pressure on the IT professional is such that they have done a lot of work in defining the security loopholes then the client asks them to ignore them. The IT professional knows that the recommended security measures are necessary to keep the system secure. It is not ethical when the client requests the IT professional to implement a less secure network. This is because they want to save money so that they cannot use it in securing their company IT systems. If there is a security breach because the client does not wish to implement the recommended measures they might lose a lot of money and credibility as compared to the amount in which they are trying to save. The reputation of the IT professional is al so at risk because other clients and people might think that his or her services are not good because even after performing a security audit their client was still breached. Unless the IT professional went explaining to every potential client the mistake of their previous client then their reputation is in bad shape and they might miss out on many other future business ventures since no one has confidence in them (Spinello Tavani, 2004). After explaining to the client that sensitive information will be at risk if they do not implement the recommended security measures the client is still of the opinion that their company being targeted is very rare and therefore they do not think the security measures are a priority. As an IT professional I would not configure the network in a less secure manner. This is because it is better to do a thorough job especially in IT rather than a mediocre job. If a security breach occurs it will not be the client who suffers but also the services and reputation of the IT professional will be in question. I do not think it is ethical to eat the cost and install the extra security measures at no cost to the client. It might be a noble thing to do but one major drawback is that other companies might try to implement this strategy when engaging your services (Tavani, 2004). In such a case they will take advantage of you and you will always be at a loss since the company will continue making money and you will not have been paid for your services. Ethics is a major part of life and business. It is the same in such a case because if ethics was upheld the client would not try to compromise the reputation of the IT professional (Luciano, 2010). They would simply bear the problem on their own. If I was the IT professional tasked with this job I would not do what the client wishes so that they may be able to cut on cost. I would explain that the amount of losses they would have to incur if there were breaches would be far much more compared to the cost they were trying to save. As an ethical IT professional it is better that the client is disappointed with you not being able to fulfill their request (Terrell, 2014). They might not like your decision but in the long run they will respect you for giving them the best advice even if it is not what they wanted to hear. References Himma K. E. Tavani H. T. (2008). The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Luciano F. (2010). Information Ethics. The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 77-100. Moore A. D. (2005). Information Ethics: Privacy, Property and Power. University of Washington Press. Spinello R. A. Tavani H. T. (2004). Readings in Cyberethics. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Tavani H. T. (2004). Ethics Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Terrell B. (2014). Computer Ethics: Basic Concepts and Historical Overview. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Center for the Study of Language and

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Men and Women Verbal and Non Verbal Communication free essay sample

Men and women throughout their lives exhibit many different characteristics and traits which makes them the person that they are. However, societal involvement has a lot to do with the way men and women are raised. There are many factors throughout life that society can sway when making decisions. Exploring topics such as â€Å"showing support, troubles talk, the point of the story, relationship talk, and public speaking†, and examining whether these topics are gender exclusive or that they are overlapped will help explain the phenomenon of our way of thinking.Support is something that everyone needs in their lives. It gives them the positive reinforcement that they need. Many times in life at different stages, we come across challenges that require us to seek the support of others. Many times, if we don’t have a support group around us, it is difficult to find that support that we so badly need. We will write a custom essay sample on Men and Women Verbal and Non Verbal Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Showing Support is and can be given by either gender. For example, we find mothers showing and giving support to their loved ones. One may read this statement and feel that fathers do not show support. This would be an erroneous assumption.Showing support can be seen in different levels and forms. Therefore, showing support is an action that is often times exhibited by both genders. Communication is an essential part of life. Men and women have various styles of communication. This is why they seem to find themselves on opposite ends of the spectrum when having â€Å"Troubles Talk†. Due to the difference in communication styles between men and women, â€Å"troubles talk† is not easy to handle or even comprehend. Far too often, we find women speaking from the heart and women attaching emotions to what they are discussing.One example I can recall is of my parents deciding when to set my marriage date. My father was adamant on setting it on one date. However, my mother was emotionally charged and wanted to have it on another specific date. This particular example has shown me that this is something that overlaps into both genders. For many people, making a point nowadays, either requires some elaborate illustration or very clear but persuasion. Many of today’s women will go off the deep in trying to prove â€Å"the point of the story†. Their stories are so convoluted that it is extremely difficult to decipher the point of the story itself.For instance, my co-worker Lillian apparently knows everything about everyone in the office. Her stories will linger on and on for quite some time. Often times, I find myself asking Lillian, what was the point of that story? I find that this is gender exclusive for women. Relationship Talk is something that men absolutely hate discussing. One can even go as far as say that most men think talking â€Å"relationship talk† is and can be considered a sin. Men avoid this type of talk at all cost. Women on the other hand, have had the desire to have â€Å"relationship talk† as often as possible.I feel that women are more concerned about the condition and status of their relationships. There are for too many examples that can be mentioned, but I have seen women in my past calling their husbands or boyfriends during breaks or lunch to have relationship talks. This is the one type of communication that is very gender exclusive. â€Å"Public speaking† is a means of communication that is very crucial in corporate America. It is something that is present in if not all then most forms of occupations. Most jobs require some form of public speaking.Others make a living off teaching â€Å"public speaking† and how to correct ones speeches. This communication form is not exclusive to any one nation, culture, race or even gender. Public speaking is something that everyone should know how to do and feel confident. It can open up many doors in a person’s career and can prove to be financially beneficial. Therefore, public speaking can be seen as something that overlaps to both genders as it is something both genders most do throughout their lives in every mode of life including school, work, and other societal areas.Gender experience or expectation is something a man or a woman would experience throughout their life. As a child, you listen and observe everything intentionally and unintentionally. Sex is just a biological difference between men and women on the other hand gender is one of the universal dimensions on which masculine and feminine differences are based. We usually tend to do what we see regardless of it’s a male or female act. Majority of the people I saw as I was growing were male but still my mom forced me to do stuff that people of my sex would normally do.Being the only sister of four brothers it was little hard for me to differentiate what was right for me being a girl and what was wrong. Now, I can easily differentiate between femininity and masculinity. Even though I am a very feminine type of woman I still have certain gender issues. For example, I talk too loud, laugh out loud, I usually have my sleeves rolled up and sit with my legs open with I am in my jeans and according to my understand I learned that from my brothers and father. I remember my mom ould always pick on all these things and tell me that girls don’t do that, they are supposed to speak politely and with tenderness, have a feminine laugh, they should have a nice and delicate walk and also they should dress girly and that makes me different from my father and brothers. My mom never forced me what sexuality I should choose but according to my culture and religion gay or lesbian relationships/marriages are not allowed and I am expected to follow that as well. I have never had any issues regarding choosing my sexuality when because I did not even know that such relationships even exist in reality until I came to United States.I come from a conservative cultural background. Many things have changed with time for example, back in times man and woman friendship was never acceptable like they are now, they could not hang out or take classes together. We had separate sections for girls and guys. Having that I mind, I have always thought since girls or guys don’t have an open access to an opposite gender that’s why they try to find sexual happiness in the same sex. But later I learned that it’s a person’s choice what sexuality they want to be in.I know that if I was not straight my parents and society would not accept my sexuality because of the way they were brought up and taught. Proxemics nonverbal communication is how far we position ourselves from people or objects and haptic nonverbal language is how much we need to touch, tolerate, receive, and initiate with someone. Being a part of conservative culture I am not a touchy and feely person. I like to stay in my own bubble and try to maintain my distance while to anybody especially with men. I don’t like anybody entering in my bubble or try to invade my space. I work around gay and straight men.To me they are all men it doesn’t matter if they are gay or not. I just don’t feel comfortable when men touch me while talking. From my experience and also the study shows that men tend to use more haptic nonverbal language than women. For example, I met a guy at the mall randomly. He was shopping for his girlfriend. All of sudden he came to me and asked me if he could borrow me for a size because his girlfriend was same physique as mine. I got little paranoid and fearful too because he kept coming closer to me and touch me on my shoulder from time to time while we were talking.That made me really uncomfortable, and I knew he didn’t have any bad motive he was just a closer talker. I remember we were all over the store, he would come close and closer and I would keep moving away to maintain my bubble. I can’t speak up when it comes to things like that. I won’t call myself a weak person but it’s the way I was molded in from the childhood. But I realized after that it’s not safe for me to let anybody enter my bubble. It could harm me in many ways. That’s why I try to be more open and use strong nonverbal and verbal communication to link with men because I know they understand what a woman is trying to say.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essays

Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essays Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essay Relation between authoritarianism and the construction Essay On the other hand, religion has a connection with authoritarianism, since it is a dominating group in certain countries and communities. However, religion can be against the evil other but in some cases it could be as oppressive as the evil other. So, what is the relationship between authoritarianism and the construction of the evil other and how does this relate to religion? One of the main characteristic of authoritarianism is to submit any inferior group in a society under the power or obedience of a superior group. For instance evil other is the superior group in a certain community; therefore, authoritarianism has a strong relationship in the construction of evil other. As an illustration, the government in Arab society is defined as evil other because of its desire to take control over women. It is a value to note, females in this country are degraded because the government and the authority, usually dominated by men see the women weak and incapable to take control over situations. Hence, men in Arab society are the evil other discriminating women to do Jobs and take position as egger authority, this evil enemy designation may be placed on a real group or an imaginary group, but either way, the enemy acquires an unreal and impossible stigma- they become an evil with allegedly supernatural powers (Lowlands 42). This quote explains that somehow the evil other possess an unexplainable power that lead them to do what they do. In other words, women in Arab society treated as objects, is the consequence of the men that abuse their power, because they think what theyre doing is right and thats why men have the strength for, to control society. Furthermore, religion is related to authoritarianism, because in some cases it takes over society to submit an inferior group under obedience of god, goddess or certain belief of a supreme power. Whatever group becomes the demonic other, religion often encodes in term of an evil other, an evil enemy (Lowlands 42). Lowlands explains that the practitioner of a certain religion convert their message against the evil other and often they see the evil enemy as inferior and demonic. However, there are situations when a particular religion takes an unfair action against what they call the evil other. For example, the religious terrorism which is things happen, but they can also blame our misfortunes on devilish others and punish them by killing them either individually or exterminating the whole lot of them at once (Lowlands 270). According to this quote the religious terrorism kill people in name of the religion because they see them as evil or because they want to accomplish a certain goal related to their belief. In relation to how this terrorism religion sees the evil Mark P Wore wrote in Sociology of Religion: A substantive and Transcriptional Approach Devilish others have been known to possess things that we would like to have for ourselves such as land, oil, diamonds, minerals and other valuable resources (Lowlands, 270). At the end, the terrorists might kill people because they want to have power, money and/or have control over a certain land; therefore they use the definition of evil or enemy as excuse to possess those valuable things. In conclusion, in society theres always going to be a dominating group targeting an inferior group to have authority over it. As a result, different authoritarianism are created by people depending what is the purpose or goal they want to achieve. So, the dominating group could be reflected in a religious group like the Islamic Extremism or as supreme authority like the Arab society. Consequently, Religion has a connection with authoritarianism and evil other, because three definitions has the characteristics of being superior in front of a group or society. Words Cited Lowlands, George. The Sociology of Religion: The substantive and Transcriptional Approach. California: Pine Forge Press, 1964. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Eating Disorders for High School Students Essay

Eating Disorders for High School Students - Essay Example Sometimes individuals with anorexia work out excessively or purge by the use of diuretics, laxatives, or vomiting to avoid adding weight (Swain, 2006). Bulimia is also an eating disorder in which people of near-normal or normal weight engage in periodic binge-eating, which is instantly preceded by feelings of depression and guilt. Actions are then taken to eliminate the calories, for instance laxative use, self-induced vomiting, excessive dieting, or fasting (Kinoy, 2001). A recent study by the National Mental Health Institute exposed that roughly 15% of teenagers in high school take part in these disordered eating behaviors. Bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders are crucial health worries. Some of the medical effects of eating disorders consist of infertility, osteoporosis, hypokalemia, acute electrolyte disturbances and renal failure (Stewart, 2010). Anxiety, depression, impaired relationships, repeated self harm and restrictions on social functioning are a few of the psycho logical effects that can occur in people who have constant eating disorders. Maybe the most worrying truth about eating disorders is that they are the most lethal of all psychopathologies. Nearly 20% of individuals with an eating disorder die from their physiological sequelae (Alfano, Hodges & Saxon, 2010). This paper will research on the causes of eating disorders for high school students and how they can be mitigated. Literature Review Turning to food as a way of dealing with low self-esteem is a key psychological factor in the growth of an eating disorder (Alfano, Hodges & Saxon, 2010). If a young person feels powerless, he or she can focus on... The research will explore teachers and adolescents in rural, high schools, in relation to their knowledge and prevalence of eating disordered behavior. The research focuses on prevention efforts in educational environs and clarifies that prevention of eating disorders is best tackled by creating a positive and supportive school surrounding. Recommendations for further research and study are discussed in the paper. This essay approves that In high school, students may have immense pressure to be slim or super muscular so as to be accepted by their peers. Some might also want to attract potential romantic partners. Other writers also support this. Such scenarios have appeared all over especially in California and Texas. The two are considered as one of the most fitness, diet and weight-crazed states in the United States. In these living conditions, other teenagers are encircled by unhelpful â€Å"body talks† all the time, in the playing ground, in the dorm rooms and dining halls. Students cannot escape these comments. The comments can make crucial teenagers go crazy. They will start worrying about their own weight and make them feel awkward about their own body, even though they have never worried about their bodies before. This report makes a conclusion that there might be limitations to this research such as financial constraints and not all students wanting to take part in the survey. However, the findings contribute extensively to information regarding rural teenagers eating disordered behaviors and attitudes, and also rural educators level of preparedness and knowledge.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic IT Plan PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic IT Plan - PowerPoint Presentation Example Health Information Technology is a core pillar of the healthcare system. This paper develops a strategy for Walgreens Company pharmacies to achieve an integrated and fully deployed system of Health Information Technology. The Walgreens Company is the largest pharmacy chain in the United States that was founded in 1901 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Besides having over 7000 pharmacies in all the 50 states, Walgreens Company has pharmacies in Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia (Bacon, 2004, pp. 12-17). Walgreens Company has retail pharmacies, health and wellness divisions and a health services division that provide pharmacy, goods, services, health and wellness its consumers. Through Walgreens Home Care Inc, Senior Med LLC and Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy LLC, Walgreens Health Services offers medical plans and prescription drugs to pharmacy patients. The Walgreens Company is a pharmacy practice that ensures the effective and safe use of pharmaceutical drugs and links chemical sciences with health sciences. Walgreens Company compounds and dispenses medication, offers clinical services, provides drug information and reviews medications for effectiveness and safety. Being a pharmacy, Wal greens Company is an expert in drug therapy who provides patients with positive health outcomes by optimizing medication use. Walgreens Company should ensure that all its pharmacies have access to electronic tools, irrespective of location or financial capacity. Computerization of health records has come slowly to the healthcare industry. However, most health care practitioners have adopted some forms of computerization. It is essential that all Walgreens Company pharmacies adopt, acquire and implement electronic medical records into their operations. This will allow for the eventual sharing of clinical information with patients and their families and across the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Answering multiple questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answering multiple questions - Essay Example RFQ is that in an RFP the purchaser is looking for value (that is, operating efficiency, cost-saving measures, innovations and so on), rather than the lowest bid. EVM requires the use of a development model, such as spiral, waterfall or iterative development processes. It is therefore most useful for software development projects and assists in producing the project execution plan. D. You must have a baseline, including a good WBS, start and finish estimates for each task, and cost estimates for each task. The actual information includes when tasks actually started and ended and what they actually cost. You also need to estimate the earned value of tasks. The main purpose of the quality management plan is to describe how the project management team will implement quality policies as required by the client. It ensures that the project will satisfy the agreed-upon requirements. It includes quality planning, quality assurance and quality control. It is important to formally close all projects to keep good records and reflect on what can be learned to improve future projects. Closure consists of verifying and documenting project results, formalises sponsor or client acceptance of the projects

Friday, November 15, 2019

Leadership Theories Of Bill Gates And Oprah Winfrey Management Essay

Leadership Theories Of Bill Gates And Oprah Winfrey Management Essay This paper serves to critically survey the various leadership theories and evaluate the leadership qualities of two prominent and successful business leaders in USA Bill Gates (Founder and Chairman of Microsoft Corporation) and Oprah Winfrey (Global Media leader). Chapter 2 describes the background of Gates and Oprah. Gates, from his early interests in computer programming, dropping out from Harvard by choice, to how he successfully transformed his software company, Microsoft, from a small start-up company to one of the worlds largest and most powerful corporations. On the other hand, Oprah, from her difficult childhood experience but early exposure to public speaking, to how her perseverance and self-motivation in doing her best in whatever she does, have brought her to become a global media leader (her own The Oprah Winfrey Show, her own Harpo Productions, her own O, The Oprah Magazine, etc.). Chapter 3 explores the evolution of leadership theories, from Great Man and Traits to the current Transformational Theory. Gates and Oprah leadership qualities are then listed and compared with earlier described leadership theories in Chapter 4 and 5. Chapter 6 covers the authors opinions and reasoned analysis about the leadership styles of Bill and Oprah before making the final conclusion in Chapter 7. 2. Background of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey 2.1 Bill Gates William (Bill) Henry Gates was born in Seattle USA, in 1955. His father was a successful attorney and his mother was a teacher. At age 13, Gates discovered his interest in software and began programming computers on a school computer at the private Lakeside School (Microsoft 2010). In 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard University but dropped out half-way as he wanted to concentrate on his start-up software business and did not want to miss the opportunity of developing software for personal computers. His company Microsoft, the worlds first microcomputer software company, was born in 1975. Gates later wrote, Our initial insight made everything else a bit easier. We were at the right place at the right time. We got there first (Krames 2003, p.157). In 1980, Gates was offered an agreement to provide the operating system (MS-DOS) for IBMs new PC. He secured his future by insisting that Microsoft retained the copyright to the system, so that he could also license it to other hardware manufacturers. This contractual masterstroke helped propel Microsoft into its position as the countrys largest software company. In 2002, Gates topped the Forbes 400 list of the worlds wealthiest individuals, with a personal fortune of $43 billion (Krames 2003). Gates handed the reins and the title of CEO over to Steve Ballmer in 2000, as Gates became Chairman and acted as Chief Software Architect of Microsoft Corporation to help in developing next-generation products (Krames, 2003). Since 2006, Ray Ozzie has assumed Gates previous title as Chief Software Architect as Gates wanted to devote an increasing proportion of his time to the philanthropic The Bill Melinda Gates Foundation (Microsoft 2010). However, Gates continues to serve as Microsofts Chairman and an advisor on key development projects after July 2008 (Microsoft 2010). Time Magazine named Gates one of the most influential people of the 20th century. For the fiscal year ending June 2007, Microsoft had revenues of US$51.12 billion and employs more than 78,000 people in 105 countries and regions (Microsoft 2010). Till now, Microsoft is still one of the worlds largest and most powerful corporations and currently ranked No.36 in Fortune 500 Companies list (CNN Money 2010). 2.2 Oprah Winfrey Oprah Gail Winfrey was born illegitimate in Mississippi USA, in 1954. She lived her first six years with her grandparents and was taught to read at an early age. Oprah began speaking in front of audiences since she was only 4 years old, touring local churches and reciting others sermons by memory (ONeil 2004). From age 6 to 13, she stayed with her mother in Milwaukee but suffered repeated abuse and molestation by her relatives. Her mother later sent her to live with her father, Vernon Winfrey, in Nashville. With strict rules and high standards, Vernon helped to turn her life around. He taught her that she always had to pursue excellence in order to succeed. Oprah absorbed that attitude and said, Theres no such thing as failure in my life, I just dont believe in it (ONeil 2004, p.13). Oprahs broadcasting career began at age 17, when she was hired by WVOL radio in Nashville, and two years later signed on with WTVF-TV as a reporter. She also attended Tennessee State University, received her Bachelor Honours Degree in Speech Communications and Performing Arts. Oprah moved up quickly and in 1978 discovered her talent for hosting talk shows when she became co-host of WJZ-TVs People are talking. In 1986, she began broadcasting nationally, via The Oprah Winfrey Show, which became the highest rated talk show in television history. Shes now the host and owner of The Oprah Winfrey Show, which consistently wins high ratings, and the founder of the Harpo Productions, Inc. which produces her television shows and movies. Her O, The Oprah Magazine, launched by Hearst Publications in 2000, ranked in the top tier of new magazines for circulation and advertising, becoming the first magazine ever to be both Advertising Age Launch of the Year and Magazine of the Year (ONeil 2004). In 2003, Oprah became the first African-American woman to join the ranks of billionaires, as published by Forbes magazine for that year (ONeil 2004). From 2004-2009, she was the only woman to have been included in all six of TIMEs 100 Most Influential People in World lists. Today, Oprahs accomplishments as a global media leader and philanthropist has made her as one of the most respected and admired public figures in the world. 3. Theories on Leadership Critical Literature Survey Leadership definition and list of leadership theories According to Richard Daft (2008, p.4), leadership is defined as follows: Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes. The evolution of leadership theories started from Great Man and Trait theories to the present Transformational leadership. Kippenberger (2002) reflects the time-line of such evolution: Period Leadership Theory Up to mid-1900s 1900-48 1930s 1945-60s 1957-70s 1967- Present Day 1970s-Present Day 1970s-Present Day 1970s-Present Day 1978-Present Day 1982-Present Day Great Man Theory Traits Theory Lewins research into autocratic, democratic laissez-faire styles Behavioural Theory (especially Ohio, Michigan, Texas) Situational Theory Contingency Theory Charismatic Leadership Team Leadership Servant Leadership Transformational Leadership In search of Excellence thousands of management books on leadership Table 3.1 Source: Time-line figure from The Leadership Styles by Tony Kippenberger (2002) Great Man Theory Based on the belief that leaders are born with innate leadership qualities and destined to lead. This is no longer true in todays leadership concept. Trait Theory Arose from Great Man theory which assumed that people are born with inherited traits and so by identifying the list of traits of successful leaders, it was believed that people with such traits could subsequently be recruited into leadership position. However, there exists people with these traits but are not leaders or people without some of these traits but are leaders; making the results inconsistent and inconclusive. Therefore, researchers started to evolve the next two theories (Behaviorist and Situational). Stogdill (1974) identified the following traits and skills as vital to leaders: Traits Skills Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement-oriented Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant Energetic Persistent Self-confident Tolerant of stress Willing to assume responsibility Clever (intelligent) Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organised Persuasive Socially skilled Table 3.2 Leadership Traits and Skills (Stogdill, 1974) Behavioural Theory Behavioural Theory looks at the behaviours of leaders instead of focusing on their inborn traits or capabilities. It believes that leaders can be made, rather than are born and behaviours can be learned more readily than traits. This opens the floodgates to leadership development and schools of researchers. Tannenbaum and Schmidt (cited by Daft 2008) illustrated that leadership behaviour could exist on a continuum reflecting different amounts of employee participation. Thus one leader can be autocratic (boss-centred), another democratic (employee-centred), and a third a mix of the two styles. However, Tannenbaum and Schmidt suggested that the leader might adjust their behaviours to fit the circumstances. John Adair Blake and Moutons Leadership Grid (cited by Daft 2008), as simplified in below table, focuses on production (task) and employee (people) orientations of managers, and combination of concerns between the two extremes. Leaders are rated on a scale of one to nine according to two criteria (Concern for People on vertical axis and Concern for Results on horizontal axis). The highly recommended and most effective style is Team Management as it rated High (for People) and High (for Task) and work accomplishment is from committed people while leader is committed to both people and task. Today, the consensus is that leaders can achieve a high-high leadership style (Daft 2008). Concern for People High Country Club Management TeamManagement Medium Middle-of-the-road Management Low Impoverished Management Authority-Compliance Management Low Medium High Concern for Results Table 3.3 The Leadership Grid (simplified) Situational or Contingency Theory Leadership style adopted is contingent upon situational factors such as the characteristics of the followers, characteristics of the work environment and followers tasks, and the external environment (Daft 2008). Leadership style that is successful in some situations may not be effective in others. Hence, in order to increase the likelihood of successful leadership outcomes, the leader has to fully discern the characteristics of tasks, followers and organizations and subsequently adopt the most effective leadership style. Fiedlers Contingency Model (Daft 2008) serves to diagnose whether a leader is task-oriented or relationship-oriented and match leader style to the situation in terms of 3 key elements (Leader member relations, Task structure and Position Power) which can be either favourable or unfavourable to a leader. Task-oriented leaders tend to do better in very easy or very difficult situations whereas relationship-oriented leaders do best in intermediate favourability. Hersey and Blanchards Situational Theory (Daft 2008) focuses on the readiness level of the followers to determine the effective leader behaviours such as Telling, Selling, Participating and Delegating style. The Path-Goal Theory (Daft 2008) states that leaders are responsible to increase followers motivation by clarifying the behaviours necessary for task accomplishment and rewards. The four types of behaviours the leader can adopt are supportive, directive, achievement-oriented and participative styles and the two important situational contingencies are the personal characteristics of followers and the work environment. The Vroom-Jago Contingency Model (Daft 2008) focuses on varying degrees of participative leadership, and how each level of participation influences quality and accountability of decisions. The model has three major components: leader participation styles (Decide, Consult individually, Consult Group, Facilitate or Delegate), a set of 7 diagnostic questions (High or Low answer) with which to analyse a decision situation, and a series of decision rules. It also takes into account factors such as concern for time versus concern for followers development. Leaders can analyze each situation and answer a series of questions that help determine the appropriate level of followers participation. Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership is based on leaders personal characteristics as a source of power to emotionally impact people by appealing to both the heart and mind. These leaders create an atmosphere of change, articulate an idealized vision of the future, inspire and motivate followers with an abiding faith. Team Leadership Daft (2008) believes that team leadership is based on three principles: Firstly, team leaders must create a vivid vision that is challenging and inspiring so that it provides a strong sense of purpose and direction. Secondly, team leaders must be willing to admit their ignorance or mistakes and the third principle is to provide support and coaching to team members. Transactional Transformational Theory James MacGregor Burns conceptualized leadership as either transactional or transformational in 1978. Transactional leadership is a transaction or exchange process between leaders and followers (Daft 2008). Transactional leaders recognizes followers needs and desires and then clarifies how those needs and desires will be satisfied in exchange for meeting specified objectives or performing certain duties. Thus, followers receive rewards for job performance, whereas leaders benefit from the completion of tasks. Transformational leadership is characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in followers and the organization (Daft 2008). Transformational leaders have the ability to lead changes in an organisations vision, strategy, and culture as well as promote innovation in products and technologies (Daft 2008). Transformational leaders stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve the outcomes and develop them into leaders. Transformational leadership is based on the personal values, beliefs and qualities of the leader rather than an exchange process between leaders and followers (Daft 2008). Recent studies support the idea that transformational leadership has a positive impact on follower development and follower performance. Avolio, Bass and Jung (Cited by Bass, 2006) have identified the four components of transformational leadership as: Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation and Individualised Consideration. 3.9 X (Female) Y (Male) of Leadership Liz Cook and Brian Rothwell (2000) convincingly describe the differences (structural, operational and chemical) in the brain of male and female, which attribute to their different thinking and act even when faced with similar leadership situations. Their interpretation (Cook Rothwell, 2000) is that the natural and genetic gifts that the average female and male brain brings to leadership are as follows: Feminine Masculine Relationship orientation Dialogue Listening Coaching Appreciation of paradox Interpersonal connections Social awareness Group working Multi-tasking Appreciation of distinction Action orientation Competitiveness Vision Inventiveness Risk-taking Target orientation Status quo challenge Desire to be the best Focus Structure and form Table 3.4. Average Female and Male genetic gifts Much of the debate in the 1990s spent time persuading leaders that it was good to be female and it was men who needed to change their leadership style to feminine-oriented leadership, with the emphasis on building relationship. Nevertheless, Cook Rothwell (2000) believed that leadership training should embrace the strengths of both approaches as the strengths of both sexes are needed to counteract the weaknesses that each sex brings to the leadership equation. 4. Comparison of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey Leadership Qualities 4.1 Gates Leadership Qualities Gates possesses the following traits: Introvert, Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Aggressive, Charisma, Visionary, etc. Original vision when Microsoft was founded was a computer in every home. Oprah Leadership Qualities Oprah possesses the following traits: Extrovert, Intelligent, Self-Confident, Determined, Persistence, Excellent Communicator, Charisma, etc. Comparison of Gates and Oprah Leadership Qualities with Leadership Theories Both Gates and Oprah follows Transformational Leadership Theory 5. Comparison of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey Leadership Qualities and with Leadership Theories/Models 5.1 Comparison of 6. Authors opinions about Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey Leadership Styles A REASONED ANALYSIS AND APPROACH Comparison of Bill and Oprah Motivation and Empowerment, Communication, Teams, Diversity, Learning Organization, Ability in bringing about change Motivation: Employees satisfaction à   Customers Satisfaction à   Customers Loyalty à   Companys Profitability Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Leadership Communication Effective listening and understand why listening is important to leadership communication. Recognize and apply the difference between dialogue and discussion. Appropriate communication channel for your leadership message. Use communication to influence and persuade others. Effectively communicate during times of stress or crisis. Transformational and charismatic leadership 7. Conclusion Based on extensive reading and research on leadership books, the authors conclude that effective leadership really boils down to how each leader first understand himself and then his followers, his organization and all external factors (inclusive of awareness of diversity, cultural differences and fast changing environment) prior to adopting the appropriate leadership styles and behaviours to suit these situations. In other words, theres no one fixed style as his or her leadership style should vary as per todays rapid changing and diversified business world. Gates is a visionary whereas Oprah is a transformational leader.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

University of Florida Volleyball :: essays research papers

Through the evolution of associations and legislation, the restrictions of women’s athletics lifted and created equality in athletics between the sexes. In addition, Dr Ruth H. Alexander, Weiss, and Lawler are responsible for the establishment and success of Lady Gator athletics, specifically volleyball. Marilyn McReavy, with a career of 156-100 at UF, and Mary Wise whose reign includes 58 straight home wins lead Lady Gator’s volleyball to a prominent standing not only in the SEC, but also in the nation. In 1967, the Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics for Women functioned under the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Here, three championship divisions were established; 750 at the state level, 150 at the regional level, and 39 and the national level. In 1971, the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) was a product of the Commission. The primary concern (conflict) of the AIAW was the financial restriction placed on women’s athletics. No scholarship or financial aid was available to the athletes as well as a lack of money (support) for recruiting or coaching. In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which vehemently targeted sex discrimination. In 1975, Title IX gave universities 3 years to change the inequity and grant women’s athletics comparable funds. Dr. Ruth H. Alexander furthered funding equality, increasing from $16,000 to $1,300,000 between 1972 and 1980. As women we re receiving more equal athletic privilege a problem developed in the administration of the Division I teams compared to Divisions II and III. Coaches lead both men’s and women’s teams having two different sets of rules as well as two separate conferences often having conflicting dates. The University of Florida officially approved eight Lady Gator sports, including volleyball, in the 1974-1975 school year. Two years later, six out of the eight sports teams finished in the top ten of the nation for quality of athletes and schedules. The first volleyball SEC tournament occurred in the 1979-1980 school year, three years prior to the NCAA’s request for a women’s tournament from each conference. In 1980, followed the Florida Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics Equity Act. As Alexander’s successor, Weiss came from the University of Utah in 1981 to â€Å"revive Lady Gator volleyball† and brought the University of Florida’s women’s athletic program up to 4th in the nation. She hired Marilyn McReavy, one of two prominent Lady Gator volleyball coaches, who lead the gators until 1991 when Mary Wise was appointed head coach.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Meaning of Symbolism and Imagery in the Writings of Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale Hurston uses symbolism and imagery to capture emotions and guide the reader through the story through the eyes of the characters. In her short fiction story, The Gilded Six-Bits, Hurston entertains the emotional and visual senses of the reader by using several symbols and images to give light to the story and character settings. Hurston starts out the story by portraying a couples' relationship and giving it a sense of security, love and trust. However, as the story develops it is clear that know matter how true love is – greed can falter love. Symbolism is shown strongly through colors in Hurston's story. White is used as a symbol of purity. It portrays the relationship between Joe and Missie May as a clean and untouched relationship as described by Hurston, â€Å"The fence and house were whitewashed. The porch and steps scrubbed white.† (252) Joe thinks of the image of his white house on the way home from work right before he discovers Missie May and Slemmons together. Gold is used frequently throughout the short story as a symbol of social status and greed. Otis D. Slemmons is respected by Joe in the beginning of the story and depicted as being of great importance because of his gold teeth, a five-dollar gold piece for a stickpin and a ten-dollar gold piece on his watch chain. Slemmons character is later disemboweled because he is caught in the act of having sex with Joe's wife. The gold symbolizes mistrust, misfortune, greed and falsehood after Slemmons, Missie May and the gold are revealed. Silver also symbolizes a social status to all three of the main characters and a personal symbol to Joe and Missy May. It is clear a little over half way through the story that Slemmons was in the same social class as Joe and Missie May because he did not really have any more money than they did. For Joe and Missie May silver was a symbol  of there relationship. It was a ritual in their relationship for Joe to give Missie May the silver dollars every Saturday. The moon is described by Hurston as a silver image on Joe's ride home from work, â€Å"†¦a lean moon rode the lake in a silver boat. If anybody had asked Joe about the moon on the lake, he would have said he hadn't paid it any attention. But he saw it with his feelings. † (255) Joe saw the lake with his â€Å"feelings† and he saw the silver moon; it is clear that he associated his relationship with his wife with silver. Numbers are also used as symbols to make a statement without actually stating it. Joe and Missie May's magic number is nine. This stands for the nine silver dollars that Joe would throw into the house every Saturday. After she and Slemmons were caught together Joe no longer threw the coins into the house on Saturdays. Slemmons is told to have two gold pieces on him in the amounts of five and ten which is the amount of coins that Joe throws into the house at the end of the story. Slemmons uses numbers in an abstract way to describe people. He associates the number forty with the word forte and Joe doesn't understand what he means by it. Slemmons ironically opens an ice cream shop. Ice cream is a universal symbol for something that is sweet but cold. Slemmons was seen as sweet and suave as was Missie May until the two got together; then Joe viewed them as being cold. Clothing is another social status symbol. Slemmons is described as someone who wore fine clothes. Later in the story Joe calls them rags. When Joe took Missie May to the ice cream parlor he wanted her to wear her Sunday clothes so that he could show her off to Slemmons. He wanted him to see his woman since Slemmons talks about all of the women that he has. Hurston writes that Joe considered Missie May to be the best dressed woman at church, â€Å"†¦church on Sunday nights when Missie outdressed any woman in town†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (255) This quote also brings up  the symbol of religion. When Joe asked Missie May to go to the ice cream parlor for the first time Hurston writes that he tells her, â€Å"†¦put on yo' Sunday-go-to-meetin' things.† (253) Hurston  writes in other quotes that refer to images from the Bible. â€Å"Like Samson awakening after his haircut.† (256) â€Å"Don't look back lak Lot's wife and turn to salt.† (257) The imagery from these q uotes make it know that Joe is a religious man in the story and Hurston herself has a religious background. Laughter is used to portray and hide feelings in Joe. Laughter shows the happiness between Joe and Missie May when they have their playful game on Saturdays. Later in the story Hurston writes that Joe's laughter is shown as an unsure feeling when he finds Slemmons with his wife, â€Å"So he just opened his mouth and laughed.† and before bed that night, â€Å"†¦and took a good laugh and went to bed.† (256) At the end of the story Joe was laughing in the store when he turned in the 4-bit piece that he pulled off of Slemmon's neck for candy. The clerk states after Joe leaves, â€Å"Wisht I could be like these darkies. Laughin' all the time. Nothin' worries 'em.† This was surely not Joe's case at all but his character tells otherwise. Hurston also uses laughter as a private symbol in another one of her writings. â€Å"They made burning statements with questions, and killing tools out of laughs.† (Their Eyes Were Watching God 2) â€Å"Pearl Stone opened her mouth and laughed real hard because she didn't know what else to do.† (Their Eyes Were Watching God 2-3) Hurston's real life is story is a mystery according to Ann Ducile's book review in The New York Times. She has conflicting age and birth date documents due to her habitual lying. â€Å"†¦although she gave the year of her birth as 1910, rather than 1891, as scholars have now determined.† (The New York Times) Literature and The Writing Process has her birth date listed as 1901. Her birthplace is also not certain. She has said that she was born in Eatonville but it is assumed that she was born in Notasulga, Alaska. Nonetheless, Hurston has made a mark in the history of writing with her cultural relations and peers. According to The New York Times  article there are festivals, foundations, literary societies, endowed chairs, journals, honors and awards in the name of Zora.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Essays

Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Essays Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Paper Tensions in Relationships the Dialectical Perspective Paper The Dialectical Perspective Name Fundamentals of Speech Professor Date The relational dialectics perspective is useful for understanding the ups and downs and sometimes illogical nature of interpersonal relationships. Developed by communication scholars Leslie Baxter, Barbara Montgomery and their colleagues, the dialectical perspective assumes that relationships keep changing. They are not maintained, but rather sustained through changing statuses. There are three sets of tensions that are common in relationships: integration-separation; stability-change; and expression-privacy. The first dialectic identified is integration – separation, more commonly known as autonomy versus connection. This is the tension in a relationship where either partner desires to be independent but also connected. The desire for different levels of autonomy and connection can generate friction in relationships. In the initial phase of the relationship we are like actors in a play trying to please the audience. But we cannot repress who we are for too long. Eventually we have to let our true selves show. An example of this is when a couple is in the beginning stages of the relationship, they are spending all of their time together and all is going fine. As time goes along either partner wants to start doing things independently. He/she wants to hang out with friends and have â€Å"alone time†. This can create tension in the relationship because the partner might not want to be left out. It is very common for the relationship to become strained at this point. It is a contrast from spending great amounts of time together; and either partner can feel betrayed. A solution for this would be for the couple to have an open discussion about the amount of time that they are willing and/or able to devote to each other on a daily basis. In a bonded relationship, both partners must be direct and honest about their expectations and needs. Other examples might be one partner likes to watch football all the time and can be consumed in it and the other hates sports. There needs to be a compromise made so that both partners get equal time at doing what they like to do while enjoying time with each other. Or, one relational partner is a social butterfly and the other is a social hermit. The point is that we do tend to get together with partners who will test our patience and force us to grow through finding ways to co-exist and resolving problems. The second dialectic identified is stability – change, more commonly known as predictability versus novelty. This refers to the tension in a relationship where either party of the relationship wants the stability of a relationship but at the same time wants to be able to enjoy spontaneity. The tension of predictability versus novelty can present itself in a couple of ways. First, many couples struggle to balance the tension between their need for stability and their desire for excitement. Getting tired of doing the â€Å"same old thing† is always going to be an issue in any relationship. Individuals that are involved in a developing relationship become comfortable with knowing what is going to happen next. However, always knowing what is going to happen next can become extremely boring. What can we do to spice up a relationship? We could easily change the routine a little bit. Do something that you don’t normally do together. If you normally don’t go out on dates – then go out on a date. If you normally don’t buy each other gifts – then buy a small gift every once in a while. If you normally don’t vacation – take a vacation together. Now, let us look at the relationship that is always unpredictable. These relationships are just as likely to be in trouble as the predictable ones. As a couple you also need to have stability in your life. What if you never knew where your relationship was headed? Being able to predict the status of your relationship is a good thing. Whichever relationship you have, working towards a healthy balance between predictability and novelty will help to maintain a healthy relationship. Second, in a new relationship, a relational partner will tend to overlook little nuances in the other partner. They will focus on the positive points about each other and look past the behaviors that they don’t like about each other. After time, we have difficulty accepting our partner’s flaws and will try to change them. Think about it this way – Am I acceptable the way I am? For every one thing that we would like to change about our partner, they equally have something that they would like to change about us. We need to learn that we cannot change people. But what we can change is our viewpoint. By changing our viewpoints, we can transform the way we see relationships. The third dialectic identified is expression – privacy, more commonly known as openness versus closedness. This refers to the tensions in a relationship where one party wants to be completely open and share everything with their partner while on the other hand the other partner feels that they should be able to keep some things private and to their selves. If two people in a relationship are different on this count, they will need to work hard and be proactive to manage this tension or this can become a deal breaker. The primary reason that two people in a relationship can’t get along is because of the past. As couples we need to learn to leave the past in the past and move forward into the present. Stay in the present; don’t start a new relationship dragging relational baggage into the new situation. Some people feel that they need to open up to their partner about every aspect of their lives. This is how they signify trust and become one entity; the couple. Others can feel that if they open up too much or reveal too much they may be judged or abandoned. This type of person feels that each person has a right to a certain degree of privacy, therefore, retaining some of his or her individuality. The goal here is to attain some sort of balance and avoid disagreements. These needs should be addressed in a normal tone of voice, without being demeaning or accusatory. In closing, what have we learned? We have learned that these three relational dialectics are simply put, communication. Poor communication is often the root of relationship problems. Neither partner can read the other partner’s mind, so without communication there is no hope for a harmonious relationship. Without communicating, you cannot make fair and balanced agreements about what does and does not work for both of you. Beebe, Steven A. , Susan J. Beebe and Diana K. Ivy. Communication Principles For A Lifetime. Boston: Allyn amp; Bacon, 2010. Jennie. Jens Love Lessons. 2011. 05 March 2012 lt;www. jenslovelessons. comgt;. Sutphen, Dick and Carol Morgan. Radical Relationship Resource. n. d. 03 March 2012 lt; radical-relationship-resource. com/index. phpgt;.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What is a Plot Point How To Identify Turning Points in Books

What is a Plot Point How To Identify Turning Points in Books What is a Plot Point? We’ve all read a book without a plot point, or, should I say, without a point to the plot. Every story needs a beginning, middle, and end - we’ve known that for about two thousand years, thanks to good old Aristotle. But it doesn’t stop there.In this article, we’ll show how plot points are used to move organically from the beginning to the middle to the end. Then, we’ll cover the difference between a plot point and plot and why it’s important to identify plot points. Finally, we’ll map two popular books by only their plot points.So†¦What is a plot point?A plot point is an incident that directly impacts what happens next in a story. In other words, it gives a point to the plot, forcing the story in a different direction, where otherwise it would’ve just meandered.Any event in a story can be significant, but if it does not move the story forward, it is just a point in the plot- not a plot point. The latter must:Move the sto ry in a different direction.Impact character development.Close a door behind a character, forcing them forward.Think of it like a bolt, holding your story together: without it, you just have separate pieces of scrap metal. But connect them together and they form a whole, each piece informing the event before it and after it. (image: Harper Row)Clocking in at barely 300 words, Sendak’s classic children’s book has a predictably simpler plot than The Handmaid’s Tale. And yet, broken down in the same way, it is surprisingly comparable. It has a beginning, middle, and end, with two Plot Points to transition between and one at the Midpoint altering the course of the story. It also has a narrative Hook, a handful of Pinch Points, and a Resolution.Laid out by only its plot points, Where the Wild Things Are would look like such:Hook: Max is mischievous and dresses like a wild thing.First Plot Point: His mother yells at him and he yells back.First Pinch Point: She sends him to bed without dinner, so he sails to where the wild things are.Midpoint: They make him king of all wild things.Final Pinch Point: He sends them to bed without dinner, then realizes he’s lonely and wants to be loved.Final Plot Point: He journeys back home.Resolution: He finds his dinner waiting for him, still hot. 7 Plot Points of Where the Wild Things Are. What do they mean for your book? Where the Wild Things Are is a tightly structured story that moves naturally in a full circle and ends satisfactorily. More importantly, its bare bones bear uncanny resemblance to The Handmaid's Tale - and countless more stories in the Western canon.Once again, these authors surely did not adhere to strict, structural guidelines in plotting these stories. All good stories simply flow in similar ways, ways that keep the attention of the person being told. In order to keep it flowing and not dribbling, keeping your plot points in mind is crucial.What other stories could you break down by plot points? Tell us the 7 plot points of your favorite book in the comments below.

Monday, November 4, 2019

King Abdullah Scholarship Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

King Abdullah Scholarship Program - Essay Example The King Abdullah Scholarship is a program whose aim is to provide students an avenue to the best Universities in pursuit of higher learning. The criterion for the selection of academic disciplines is on a needs basis. There is consideration for the needs of national corporations, government ministries as well as the private sector when selecting the disciplines (Taylor, and Albasri 110). The selection seeks to fulfill the needs of job markets in Saudi Arabia. Mostly, undergraduate students wishing to apply for the scholarship can only choose to do a course in medicine, medical science as well as health science. Flexibility in the course selection is only available for graduate applicants. Even though the Saudi Arabian government limits the choices students have, it does not choose what course each student will pursue (Taylor, and Albasri 110). The program aims at equipping Saudi youth with the necessary skills and expertise to develop government departments as well as the private se ctor. Its objective is to develop the Saudi human resource to be at par or competitive in world job markets. The program also aims at creating future leaders from the youth. Apart from developing the youth into leaders, the Scholarship program also serves another purpose. It seeks to cultivate patriotism, establish and develop cultural understanding with the countries in which the students study as well as foster cultural exchange. Such relations would be of great benefit not only to Saudi Arabia, but also to the host country.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Shawshank Redemption Movie study assignment

The Shawshank Redemption Movie study - Assignment Example Even when he is about to give up on ever getting the freedom he desires, Andy comes in and reignites that hope. He eventually gets his application granted. The importance of hope in one’s life is shown in the movie through various scenes that show the effects of hope on the lives of the prisoners. In his first night in prison, it is hope that comforts Andy. Although he is serving a life sentence, he still has hope that he will taste freedom again. It makes him calm and able to think and reflect on things thus coming up with great ideas in the process. When writing to the state senate to ask for funds to expand the prison library, hope pushes him to keep writing even when he gets no reply until finally he gets a response. The news that Tommy once met the man that killed his wife and her lover pumps new energy into Andy. His hope of getting out rises as he sees an opportunity to appeal his sentence. In addition, it is the hope of getting out someday that keeps him drilling a tunnel through the prison wall using a rock hummer for several years until he achieves his aim. Hope is also used to bring out the determination of Red to get parole despite his application being rejected repeatedly. It is hope that makes him keep applying for parole without giving up. When Brooks is released from prison, he is lost in a world he is not familiar with. He finds life hard outside prison, as he cannot adjust well. Due to a lack of hope in life, he decides to end his life by hanging himself. The verse that the warden told Andy when he first visited him in his cell was John 8:12. This verse says, â€Å"I am the Light of the world. He who follows me should not walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life.† This is the use of allusion as the warden alludes to the Bible verse to talk about his importance in the prison. He is indirectly referring to himself as the light within the prison and that whoever associates with him will get an easier time

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nestle The Infant Formula Controversy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nestle The Infant Formula Controversy - Essay Example Lack of knowledge (education) does not allow violation of humans’ rights. From the very beginning, they should clearly inform customers about threats and negative impact of the product. A pack of cigarettes is the best example of such type of advertising informing their potential customers about a threat of cancer. Nobody can say that he/she does not know about the threat to be killed by smoking. On the one hand, Nestle should bring a message comprehensible to its customers to avoid accusation in â€Å"killing Third World babies†. The problem is that the level of education and personal development of mothers in Third World countries is very low. They believe in most things coming from advertising and promotion campaign. Nestle should print warning on each bottle. Nestle did not follow ethics and corporate responsibility, because it did not inform Third World mothers that the product cannot substitute breast milk and, if a mother has no problems with breast feeding, she should use â€Å"Nestle† only as additional feeding.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Great Awakening and Age of Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

The Great Awakening and Age of Enlightenment Essay The eighteenth century was a period of change for American colonists. They encountered new ways of life with the revival of religion and the introduction to science. The yearning for knowledge encouraged the colonists to partake in religious activities and explore the scientific world around them. The Great Awakening was a movement created by the Protestants and its purpose was to reestablish religious faith. The Age of Enlightenment was a movement concerning intellectuals all around the world. It was the culmination of old traditions and the beginning of new ideas and approaches. These two major movements significantly affected the growth of colonial America because it inspired people to work as a unified group and gain independence. The Great Awakening took place during the 1700s in colonial America and soon reached to European nations such as England, Scotland and Germany. The movement expressed how being truly religious required a person to trust the heart instead of the head and to depend on biblical beliefs more than human logic. Preaching was vital and had a great impact on the people who were listening. For instance, Jonathan Edwards tried to reform the Pilgrims and turn them back to their Calvinist roots and make them fear God once again. His emotional sermons talked about how all of mankind had sinfulness and hatefulness in their souls. Those who agreed to the message Edwards was sending were called the New Lights and those who opposed it were called the Old Lights. The conflict between them later resulted in the development of future universities and represented a small step towards the unity of all the colonies. The Age of Enlightenment started in Europe around the time of the Great Awakening. The goal was to develop knowledge based on logic and free- thinking. Scientific views and natural philosophy were replacements of religion and were the resources for understanding nature and human fate. There were advancements in mathematics with Sir Isaac Newton, who created physics. In addition, technology was a major achievement with an example of Ben Franklin and his invention of the lightning rod. Due to these successes, people of colonial America grew in their mental rather than their physical state. They were more aware of things around them, which was beneficial  because it created a sense of independence that they didnt have before. In conclusion, the Great Awakening and the Age of Enlightenment were two important movements of the eighteenth century. The movements inspired the American colonists to bond and become less dependent on others who usually take charge. The revival of religions brought people practicing the same belief together, which helped them unite and the Enlightenment period marked the basis on the journey to discover individual liberty. So as it is shown, both would certainly help colonial America grow into one independent nation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Charater of Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities :: Tale Two Cities Essays

Charater of Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities    Sydney Carton, one of the main characters of the book, A Tale of Two Cities, is a drunken lawyer who works with Stryver on the trial of Charles Darnay.he doesnt care about anything. At first this man seems as if he is a lazy, good for nothing, alcoholic. he tells Lucie Manette he doesn't believe that his life is worth anything and feels as if it is pointless to even live anymore. When you first meet him during the court scene it looks as if he just rolled out of bed and was dragged to the courtroom. This one man sat leaning back, with his torn gown half off him, his untidy wig put on just sat it had happened to light on his head after it's removal, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes on the ceiling as they had been all day. Something especially reckless in his demeanor not only gave him a disreputable look, but so diminished the strong resemblance he undoubtedly bore to the prisoner. However after he meets Lucie he falls madly in love for her. This marks a period of ch ange for Sydney Carton. But he then knows that Charles Darnay is going to be married to her. He sill believes that his life is worthless but it seems as if he's a bit more willing to work and to do things for other people.    Towards the middle of the book, A Tale of Two Cities, Carton professes his love for Lucie and he says For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything. I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you. And when you see your own bright beauty springing up anew at your feet, think now and then that there is a man who would give his life, to keep a life you love beside you. He means that he would do anything for her, because he loves her so very much. He tells Josh Barsad that he is going to marry miss Manette, but then he backs out of it.    At the very end of the novel you find out that Carton is about to go to the guillotine, but not for him.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

George Dawes Greens The Juror: Annie :: essays research papers

George Dawes Green's The Juror: Annie I have sustained some of the most appalling trials of this century. Over me I have felt distress, bleakness, sorrow. However none of them were as smashing as Annie's. Have you ever heard about Annie? Oh yes Annie Laird, one of the most kind jurors I have ever met. In George Dawes Greens The Juror, He sumarized the events and, thoroughly explained the pain and anguish Annie had to go through. The woe in which her life revolved after mentioning those lousy words  ¨I need a little excitement in my life  ¨1, well, if Annie needed to add a touch of excitement to her life she should have tried Disneyland not jury duty. What I am about to air is what happened in our little run with the mob. Truly that has a bit of foul humor because I can't run. If you keep on reading you will understand the risks of serving for jury duty  ¨Who will protect you? ¨2 Before I met her, Annie was an unadorned artiste who had just transferred out of Manhattan and into the country. To a small cottage by a lake. Her child, Oliver, who loved to ride his bike, moved in as well. I have to say that when I met Annie for the first time it was as Juror N ° 224. She was a sparkling maid. Who would have thought a rotten soul such as the teacher would try to harm her? I confess that her recoil in the following days impressed me. This time the trial was against Louie Boffano. He was the head of the mob. He and his right hand The Teacher were as bad as they come. The case was the murders of Salvadore Riggio and his grandson. Mr. Boffano was being accused of ordering them. By this time Annie and I already knew the teacher, but we acknowledged him as Zach Lyde. He had a very piquant approach toward Annie; he bought three of her artworks for twelve thousand dollars each. Nevertheless, how were we to imagine that he was part of the mob? By the time that night had come, Zach Lyde was having dinner at Annie's house. Oliver stayed at a friend's house; Juliet's house. Then came those frightful words from the teacher  ¨Annie, listen to me now, you're in danger and your son is in danger ¨3 After this, disaster struck Annie's life. From this moment on Annie would feel disquietude and distress. Her house was bugged, her friend's house was bugged, and she could not tell anyone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Art Max Beckmann

Max Beckmann â€Å"Still-Life With Three Skulls† 1945. The ’Great War’ had a lasting and profound effect on Beckmann. In 1915 he suffered a mental breakdown and for this reason was discharged from the German army. In artistic terms, the sickening experience of senseless mass death on the battlefield brought new bleakness to his paintings. Beckmann’s use of a traditional Vanitas-style still life tells us a lot about what his thoughts are about the world he is part of, especially after his war encounters.This Vanitas work springs from his before mentioned terrible experiences during World War One, the political crisis of 1920s and 1930s Germany, the rise of Hitler and exile, a completely new area for Beckmann. After the rise of Hitler, Beckmann's popularity distinguished as Hitler would have no portrayal of what Nazi Germany was really like (violent and corrupt), even through art as the Nazi people deemed his work â€Å"degenerate†. It was in response to Nazi terror that Beckmann produced his first tripitch (a picture of three panels hinged vertically together), called Departure (1932-1935).The side panels depict torture and suffering, while the centre piece shows a woman and child on board a boat on a bright blue sea (although hinting at an unknown fate awaiting them). Beckmann fled Germany in 1937, taking refuge in Amsterdam, where he painted this still life during the final months of World War II. He combines a flat sense, and sharp, bold and intense colours with traditional Vanitas still life objects (the skulls). Also including an extinguished candle, playing cards-that possibly could suggest the gamble of human life that the war brought with it.The artist described these years as â€Å"a truly grotesque time, full to the brim with work, Nazi persecutions, bombs, hunger. † In the choice of objects, the prominence of black, and the thick, rough paint, this still life captures the grim mood portrayed by such words. . I t was in response to Nazi terror that Beckmann produced his first tripitch (a picture of three panels hinged vertically together), called Departure (1932-1935). The side panels depict torture and suffering, while the centre piece shows a woman and child on board a boat on a bright blue sea (although hinting at an unknown fate awaiting them).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Pictorial Representation of Unit 3 Professor Ramos Blog

A Pictorial Representation of Unit 3 Who fell on their knees in hopeless cathedrals praying for each other’s salvation and light and breasts, until the soul illuminated its hair for a second.-Allen Ginsberg; Howl Billy left his room, went down the slow elevator, walked over to Times Square, looked into the window of a tawdry bookstore. In the window were hundreds of books about fucking and buggery and murder, and a street guide to New York City, and a model of the Statue of Liberty with a thermometer on it. Kurt Vonnegut; Slaughterhouse-five â€Å"The road looked as if no one had traveled on it in months.-Flannery O’Connor My home tongues are the languages I speak with my sister and brothers, with my friends.-Gloria Anzaldua; How to Tame a Wild Tongue But a parent’s love for a child, a child’s for its parents, is another thing entirely.†-Cleà ³filas, Woman Hollering Creek â€Å". . . with the sun sliding out of the sky like spit off a wall . . .† ― Junot Dà ­az, Drown

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bring on the Clones essays

Bring on the Clones essays On February 24, 1997, the birth of a cloned sheep shocked the public of the United States . The prospects of human cloning and the uses of cloning technology in genetic engineering quickly became a highly debated issue. The sides to the debate were easily drawn. Many felt that the use of cloning would be morally wrong and would be yet another step in the road of mankinds ultimate destruction. Others debated that, to fear something because it is different is foolish and that by tapping this new resource we could solve many of the worlds problems. Morality versus advancement, this is the issue facing those joining the argument on cloning To begin with, cloning is still a very imperfect science. The possibility of human cloning is still not even assured. Scientists have told a Select Committee of the House of Commons that the nuclear transfer technique they have applied to produce a cloned sheep could be, in theory, applied to humans . Whether anyone would try and whether it would work is another matter. But the "what if" question must now be asked with much more seriousness than would have ever been justified before. In all of its complexity, the argument against cloning is easily summed up. To replicate any human technologically is a process that goes against the simplest dignity of the uniqueness of each human being in God's eyes. Many would see this as a violation of the uniqueness of a human life, which God has given to each of us and to no one else. Some argue that the existence of "identical" twins means that we should have no ethical difficulty over cloning, or that to object to cloning implies that twins are abnormal. This argument is ill conceived. Biologically, identical human twins are not the norm, but the unusual manner of their creation does not make them any less human. They are recognized as being is a uniquely valuable individual. There are two fundamental differences between cloning and twinnin...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hillary Clinton and Universal Health Care

Hillary Clinton and Universal Health Care Hillary Clinton is perhaps most remembered during her tenure as the first lady of the United States in the mid-1990s for her unsuccessful push for universal health care, a controversial proposal seen at the time as a radical overhaul of the way Americans received coverage that drew strong opposition from both the drug and health insurance industries. The cornerstone of the plan was a mandate on employers to provide health insurance for all of their employees. Later in her political career, Clinton supported a mandate on Americans - not businesses - to purchase health insurance for themselves as part of a broad proposal to rein in costs and boost value and quality in the nations network of private health insurers. Clinton unveiled her newer proposals in her American Health Choices Plan during the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. Said Clinton in September 2007: My plan covers all Americans and improves health care by lowering costs and improving quality. If youre one of the tens of millions of Americans without coverage or if you dont like the coverage you have, you will have a choice of plans to pick from and youll get tax credits to help pay for it. If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. Its a plan that works for Americas families and Americas businesses, while preserving consumer choices. That same individual mandate became a part of President Barack Obamas health care law. Hillary Clinton and Universal Health Care Hillary Clinton was the first lady to President Bill Clinton in 1993 when he appointed her to chair the Presidents Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The president had warned in his inaugural address that the administration would face staunch opposition from powerful lobbies and special interests who would attempt to derail its efforts to provide coverage for all Americans, and he was right. Congressional Republicans opposed the plan, the public saw it as too complex and bureaucratic, but perhaps the kiss of death was the tremendous amount of criticism it received from health insurance industry, which went too far as to produce a multimillion-dollar television campaign against the proposal. The Clinton health care overhaul billed as the centerpiece of Bill Clintons presidency and a path to ensuring some 37 million Americans who had no coverage, died for lack of support in Congress in what was considered a major defeat for the administration and political setback for Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton Revises Health Care Proposals Clinton emerged with a new set of plans to ensure every American during the 2008 race for the Democratic presidential nomination. She said she had learned from her mistakes in 1993 and 1994 when the Clinton administrations proposals were too complicated, and that she had the scars to show for it. Clinton portrayed her new American Health Choices Plan as being one modeled after the health care program through which members of Congress are covered. The new array of choices offered in the menu will provide benefits at least as good as the typical plan offered to members of Congress, which includes mental health parity and usually dental coverage, Clinton said in 2007. Hillary Clintons plan would have required Americans to purchase health insurance and required insurers to cover everyone regardless of whether they had preconditions. It would have provided tax credits to Americans who couldnt afford to purchase health care and paid for them by rolling back the so-called Bush tax cuts on those earning more than $250,000 a year. Clinton said at the time her plan would have resulted in a net tax cut for American taxpayers.